When you’re trying to lose weight and get lean, you want to burn fat but still keep your muscles strong. This is called “cutting,” and it’s a common phase in bodybuilding and fitness. But when you’re in a calorie deficit (eating fewer calories than your body burns), it can be tough to keep muscle. That’s where SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) come in.

SARMs are compounds that help you maintain muscle while you lose fat. They work by helping your body burn fat and build or preserve muscle, which is important when you’re trying to get lean. Unlike steroids, which can have serious side effects, SARMs are safer and more targeted to your muscles.

In this article, we’ll talk about the best SARMs for cutting, how they work, and how to use them safely. If you’re new to SARMs and want to learn more about stacking for optimal results, check out our comprehensive guide on SARMs stacks.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • SARMs for Cutting: SARMs help protect muscle while you lose fat by boosting protein production and improving recovery.
  • Top SARMs for Muscle Retention: Ostarine, Ligandrol, and RAD-140 are great for keeping muscle during a cut.
  • Proper Dosage & PCT: Following the right doses and using Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is key to staying safe and getting good results.

What Are SARMs?

What Do SARMs Do?

SARMs are compounds that bind to androgen receptors in your body. These receptors are found in muscles and bones. When SARMs attach to them, they help build muscle and prevent it from breaking down, especially when you’re cutting. Unlike steroids, which affect many parts of your body, SARMs are more targeted, meaning they mostly help your muscles and bones.

SARMs vs. Steroids

Aspect SARMs Steroids
How They Work Target muscle and bones only Affect many parts of the body
Side Effects Fewer side effects Can cause many harmful side effects
Legality Legal in some places for research Often illegal without a prescription
Testosterone Levels Mild effects on testosterone Strong effect, often needs PCT

How SARMs Help During a Cut

How Do SARMs Work to Keep Muscle?

When you’re in a calorie deficit (eating fewer calories than you burn), your body can break down muscle for energy. SARMs help protect against this by increasing protein synthesis (which helps build and repair muscles) and improving nitrogen retention (keeping muscles from breaking down). This helps you keep your muscles strong while burning fat.

Helping Recovery and Performance

Cutting can leave you feeling tired and sore, but SARMs help your muscles recover faster. They can also boost your strength, so you can keep lifting heavy weights even when you’re eating less. For more about improving recovery during your cut, check out our guide on Endurance and Recovery.

Best SARMs for Maintaining Muscle During a Cut

1. Ostarine (MK-2866)

How Ostarine Helps with Fat Loss and Muscle Retention

Ostarine is one of the most popular SARMs for cutting. It helps your body keep muscle even when you’re eating fewer calories. Ostarine is great for beginners because it’s not too strong but still gets results.

Ostarine Dosage Recommendations

  • Dosage: 10-25mg per day
  • Cycle Length: 6-8 weeks
  • Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT): Yes, recommended for recovery.

2. Ligandrol (LGD-4033)

Why Ligandrol is Great for Cutting

Ligandrol is a strong SARM that helps keep muscles while burning fat. It’s great if you want to stay strong and muscular during your cut.

Ligandrol Dosage and Cycle Recommendations

  • Dosage: 5-10mg per day
  • Cycle Length: 6-8 weeks
  • PCT: Recommended to avoid testosterone issues.

3. Cardarine (GW-501516)

Cardarine’s Role in Fat Loss

Cardarine is great for burning fat and improving your endurance. While it’s not technically a SARM, it’s often used alongside SARMs to boost fat loss and improve workouts. You can read more about the science behind stacking SARMs and how Cardarine fits into this process in our article on the Science Behind Stacking.

Cardarine Dosage and Cycle Recommendations

  • Dosage: 10-20mg per day
  • Cycle Length: 6-8 weeks
  • PCT: Not needed, as Cardarine doesn’t affect testosterone.

4. RAD-140 (Testolone)

RAD-140’s Benefits for Cutting

RAD-140 is one of the strongest SARMs. It helps maintain muscle and strength, even when you’re eating fewer calories. It’s perfect for those who want to stay strong while cutting fat.

RAD-140 Dosage and Cycle Guidelines

  • Dosage: 10-20mg per day
  • Cycle Length: 6-8 weeks
  • PCT: Yes, recommended for recovery.

5. Andarine (S4)

Andarine’s Effectiveness for Fat Loss

Andarine is another SARM that helps you lose fat while keeping muscle. It’s great for people who want to get lean and stay strong.

Andarine Dosage and Cycle Length

  • Dosage: 25-50mg per day
  • Cycle Length: 6-8 weeks
  • PCT: Recommended.

How to Stack SARMs for Maximum Muscle Retention and Fat Loss

What is Stacking?

Stacking SARMs means combining two or more SARMs to get better results. When stacked properly, SARMs can work together to burn fat and preserve muscle at the same time. If you’re not sure where to begin, take a look at our Beginner’s Guide to Stacking.

Best SARMs Stacks for Cutting

Stack SARMs Included Benefits
Stack 1: Muscle & Fat Loss Ostarine + Cardarine Great for burning fat and keeping muscle
Stack 2: Strength & Endurance Ligandrol + RAD-140 Helps with muscle strength and fat loss
Stack 3: Hardcore Fat Loss Andarine + Ostarine Maximum fat burning with muscle preservation

Benefits and Risks of Stacking

  • Benefits: Faster fat loss, more muscle retention, better strength.
  • Risks: Higher chance of side effects, so always stick to the recommended dosages.

Cycle Length and Dosage: Getting the Most Out of Your SARMs Stack

How Long Should You Cycle SARMs?

A typical SARMs cycle lasts 6-8 weeks. After that, you should take a break to avoid side effects and allow your body to recover. For more information about how to plan your cycles effectively, check out our guide on Cycle for Gains.

Optimal Dosages for Cutting

Here are the recommended dosages for each SARM to get the best results:

  • Ostarine: 10-25mg per day
  • Ligandrol: 5-10mg per day
  • RAD-140: 10-20mg per day
  • Cardarine: 10-20mg per day
  • Andarine: 25-50mg per day

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

After your SARMs cycle, you might need PCT to help your body recover. This is especially important for SARMs like RAD-140 and Ligandrol, which can lower your natural testosterone levels. For more about PCT and how to approach it, check out our detailed article on Post Cycle Therapy.

Potential Side Effects of SARMs and How to Prevent Them

Possible Side Effects

  • Testosterone Suppression: Some SARMs can lower your natural testosterone, which can affect energy and mood.
  • Vision Changes: Andarine can cause temporary vision issues, especially at higher doses.
  • Liver Strain: Although SARMs are safer than steroids, they can still put some stress on the liver if used for too long.

How to Minimize Side Effects

  • Follow recommended dosages and cycle lengths.
  • Use PCT after your cycle to restore testosterone levels.
  • Take breaks between cycles to reduce stress on your body.


1. What is the best SARM for maintaining muscle while cutting?

Ostarine and Ligandrol are the best SARMs for maintaining muscle during a cut, with Ostarine being a great option for beginners.

2. How long should I use SARMs during a cutting phase?

6-8 weeks is the ideal length for a SARM cycle during a cut. For more information on cycle planning, see our Cycle for Gains guide.

3. Can I take SARMs if I’m on a low-calorie diet?

Yes, SARMs can help you keep muscle and strength while eating fewer calories.

4. What are the side effects of SARMs during a cut?

Potential side effects include testosterone suppression, vision changes (with Andarine), and liver strain. Follow dosages carefully to avoid these issues.

5. How can I safely stack SARMs for cutting?

Combining Ostarine with Cardarine or Ligandrol with RAD-140 can help you burn fat and maintain muscle safely.

6. Is it necessary to use Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) after a SARM cycle?

Yes, especially after using RAD-140 or Ligandrol, to help restore your body’s natural testosterone levels.

7. What is the most effective SARM stack for fat loss?

The combination of Ostarine + Cardarine is very effective for burning fat while keeping muscle. Learn more about stacking in our article on How to Stack SARMs.

8. Are SARMs legal for use in my country?

SARMs are legal for research in many countries, but you should always check your local laws before buying them.

9. How can I prevent muscle loss while cutting without using SARMs?

You can focus on eating plenty of protein, staying strong with weightlifting, and getting enough rest to keep your muscles while cutting.

10. Can I stack SARMs with other fat-burning supplements like fat burners or caffeine?

Yes, but make sure to use them safely and follow the recommended dosages to avoid too much stimulation.


Using SARMs during a cutting phase can help you burn fat and keep your muscle mass. By choosing the right SARMs and using them safely, you can achieve your fitness goals without losing strength. Just remember to follow the recommended dosages, take breaks between cycles, and use PCT to stay healthy. For more details on stacking, check out our overview of SARMs stacks.